Class will start soon. Please grab a block or cushion to sit on.

Find a comfortable seated position
Take five deep breaths. Then begin constricting your breath on the exhale (as though you are fogging a mirror) for ujjayi breathing.
Try to maintain this breath throughout the practice.
Let's warm up our shoulders
Inhale cow, exhale cat
Thread the needle right
Thread the needle left
Lower to belly for sphinx
Open shoulders right
Open shoulders left
happy hand dance
Balance for bird dog
Raise right leg for fire hydrant and hip mobility
Raise left leg for fire hydrant and hip mobility
Downward facing dog to roll up
sun salutation with low lunge and half split
sun salutation with crescent right
warrior two right
extended side angle right
lizard, squat, come to standing
sun salutation to crescent left
warrior two left
extended side angle left
lizard, lower down to belly
dynamic cobra
quad stretch right
half bow right
quad stretch left
half bow left
bow pose
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Gentle twist left or peace pose
Gentle twist right or peace pose
Figure four right or pigeon
Figure four left or pigeon
Supported Savasana
You're welcome to stay here as long as you like.